Wednesday 10 December 2014

Prevent Pregnancy using Yasmin Contraceptive Pills

What is Yasmin Contraceptive Pill?

Yasmin Contraceptive Pill is a combined oral contraceptive pill. The contraceptive regimen consists of 21 active film coated tablets each containing 3 mg of Drospirenone and 0.03 mg of Ethinyl Estradiol. The inactive ingredients present in Yasmin pills are lactose monohydrate NF, corn starch NF, modified starch NF, povidone 25000 USP, magnesium stearate NF, hydroxylpropylmethyl cellulose USP, macrogol 6000 NF, talc USP, titanium dioxide USP, ferric oxide pigment, yellow NF.
Yasmin is used to prevent pregnancy. Yasmin is also of some benefit in androgen-related acne, skin conditions or greasy hair.
Women taking Yasmin may also experience the following benefits:improvement in symptoms like bloating, swelling or weight gain related to fluid retention, more regular and lighter periods and a decrease in period pain. Some conditions such as pelvic inflammatory disease, ovarian cysts, ectopic pregnancy, fibrocystic breast changes and cancer of the uterus (womb) and ovaries may be less common in women taking the Pill.

How does Yasmin Contraceptive Pill Work?

When taken correctly, Yasmin works in several ways to prevent you from becoming pregnant including:

  • inhibiting the egg release by stopping it maturing
  • changing the cervical mucus consistency, making it more difficult for the sperm to reach the egg

Dosage And Administration

Yasmin contraceptive pill comes as an oral tablet containing 3 mg of Drospirenone and 0.03 mg of Ethinyl Estradiol. The recommended Oral dosage of Yasmin contraceptive pills is given below:
Yasmin Dosage for Maximum Contraceptive Effectiveness
To achieve maximum contraceptive effectiveness, Yasmin birth control pills (drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol) must be taken exactly as directed at intervals not exceeding 24 hours.
Yasmin oral contraceptive regimen consists of 21 active tablets. The dosage of Yasmin birth control pills is one tablet daily for 21 consecutive days followed by 7 tablet free days per menstrual cycle. A patient should begin to take Yasmin contraceptive pills on the first day of her menstrual period.
Withdrawal bleeding usually occurs within 3 days following the last active tablets.

Missed Pill Instructions - Yasmin Contraceptive Pills

If You Miss 1 Active Pill:
Take the tablet as soon as you remember. Take the next pill at your regular time. This means you may take two pills in one day.
If You Miss 2 Active Pills In A Row In Week 1 Or Week 2 Of Your Pack:
Take two pills on the day you remember and two pills the next day.Then take one pill a day until you finish the pack. You MUST use another birth control method (such as condoms or spermicides) as a back-up for 7 days after restarting your tablets.
If You Miss 2 Active Pills In A Row In The 3rd Week Or 4th Week:
THROW OUT the rest of the pill pack and start a new pack that same day. You MUST use another birth control method (such as condoms or spermicides) as a back-up for 7 days after restarting your tablets.

Side Effects of Yasmin Birth Control Pill

The commonly occurring possible side effects reported in patients treated with Yasmin contraceptive pill include nausea, stomach pain, changes in weight, headache, including migraines, mood changes, including depression, Irregular uterine bleeding, breast tenderness or pain.

Yasmin Contraceptive Pill - Contraindications

Yasmin Contraceptive Pill is contraindicated in women who are known to have the following medical conditions:

  • Hypersensitivity to Drospirenone and/or Ethinyl oestradiol , the active ingredients in Yasmin or any of the inactive ingredients
  • Renal impairment
  • Adrenal insufficiency
  • A high risk of arterial or venous thrombotic diseases. Examples include women who are known to: Smoke, if over age 35, have deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism, now or in the past, have cerebrovascular disease, have coronary artery disease, have thrombogenic valvular or thrombogenic rhythm diseases of the heart (for example, subacute bacterial endocarditis with valvular disease, or atrial fibrillation)
  • Have inherited or acquired hypercoagulopathies
  • Have uncontrolled hypertension
  • Have diabetes mellitus with vascular disease
  • Have headaches with focal neurological symptoms or have migraine headaches with or without aura if over age 35
  • Undiagnosed abnormal uterine bleeding
  • Breast cancer or other estrogen- or progestin-sensitive cancer, now or in the past
  • Liver tumor (benign or malignant) or liver disease
  • Pregnancy or suspected pregnancy because there is no reason to use Combine Oral Contraceptives during pregnancy

Yasmin Contraceptive Pill - More Details

For more details on Yasmin Contraceptive Pill manufactured by Bayer Schering Pharma please read the Prescription Information or watch the presentation below: